Forte HQ
May 18, 2022
10 min read
To transform humanity from merely surviving to thriving.
To help people unlock their unique Contribution.
SoulCare® is the practice of Whole Human Integration: integrating what we are, do, and experience.
Have you ever experienced the peculiar yet poignant feeling of being lifted out of your “ordinary”? It can happen when you see an awe-striking sunrise, when you hold your child for the first time or when experiencing an immense sense of gratitude. Suspended almost for a moment in time, we feel a sense of wholeness and connectedness to something outside of ourselves. In this often indescribable moment, our Body, Soul and Spirit awaken, and we move from merely existing to fully living. We believe moments like these are glimpses of what it means to be fully human.
We believe the Whole Human consists of the Body (how we are), Soul (who we are) and Spirit (why we are). The Body is the form in which we live our lives. The Soul encapsulates our mind, will and emotions. It’s where our thoughts and feelings are shaped and where we make decisions on what we do and what we experience. The Spirit is the force animating us, and brings us purpose and a sense of belonging. The Soul is where our Body and Spirit overlap (see image below). It is the point of integration.
Thoughts and feelings about ourselves, what we do, and what we experience are shaped in our Soul. A healthy and intentional Soul emanates outward leading to a healthier Body and more animated Spirit. SoulCare® can be applied by everyone regardless of their gender, race, socio-economic status, geography or religion/worldview and attends to the Whole Human by acknowledging our past experiences, bringing awareness to our present state, and being intentional about who we are becoming. SoulCare® Connections move individuals from feeling segmented and unfulfilled to integrated and whole.
The desired outcome of SoulCare® is the integration of:
We believe this integration is possible with a multidisciplinary, human-centered, and holistic approach known as the Forte Pathway.
The Pathway consists of SoulCare® Connections and SoulCare® Practices to help individuals live a more integrated life.
SoulCare® begins with genuine human connection via audio calls. Forte Guides are trained to help an individual further understand what is happening in their Soul in a confidential, authentic, non-judgmental and safe space through one-on-one Connections.
The Guides are trained to listen deeply, inquire meaningfully and bring curiosity and discovery to any and all topics. They will follow a four-phase framework to help explore thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Forte will provide content and resources to help apply ten SoulCare® Practices and live a more integrated life. A fully intentional Soul, animated Spirit, and balanced Body builds and sustains hope, joy, gratitude, self-compassion and connection in work, life and everything in between.
We believe SoulCare® will improve well-being by:
When we integrate what we are, do and experience we reclaim what it means to be fully human and live a thriving life.