Why Forte works

We’ve designed an approach that keeps your employees in control of their well-being journey and surrounds them with certified Guides and personalized tools. 

Three key differences:

Our Employee-Driven Model

Our Certified Guides

Our Focus on the Journey

Venn diagram of Forte's differences
Yellow blocksWoman on phone

Our Employee-Driven Model Makes a Difference

Your employees don’t want pre-planned, force-fed solutions. Our customized and on-demand world means that your employees are used to being in control of how they engage with everything from TV to transportation.

We’ve built Forte to match the desires and demands of your employees. We let your employees engage with us on their terms, not ours. This personalized method allows employees to choose their own Guide, pick when to meet (or when not to meet!), how long to meet, and customize their content.

Our Certified Guides Make a Difference

Forte Guides undergo comprehensive training in Forte's proprietary SoulCare® methodology. A distinctive approach designed to go beyond traditional training methods by addressing the individual as a whole. 

Our certification process recognizes the intricate interplay between our body (how we engage with the external world), our soul (our internal world, including how we perceive ourselves, others, and our environment), and our spirit (how we find purpose and meaning).

This approach encourages individuals to bring their whole selves to every endeavor, fostering a more engaged, motivated, and purpose-driven workforce.

Person's feet on a path

Our Focus on the Journey Makes a Difference

No individual is alike, and no journey towards health is the same. So, why would we make a "one size fits all” solution?

In any stage of their journey, in any way that is most meaningful to them. For some, this will look more passive, like watching a webinar or reading a blog post. For others, this will be more active, like getting on the phone and processing life with one of our Certified Guides. Our goal isn’t to force one particular way of engagement on your employees but instead to make sure they get the help, care, and support they need.

of Forte users report being more present and focused at work
of Forte users report that their well-being has improved
of employees engaged in Forte Content and Connections
employers report Forte has contributed to a 10% reduction in employee turnover

Not another EAP.

Employers who partner with Forte are experiencing industry shattering results. And, most importantly, employees feel heard, comfortable, and better.


average user review

Employees who utilize Forte's service report:

40% filled circle


improvement in work satisfaction

42% filled circle


improvement in relational  satisfaction

43% filled circle


improvement in spiritual life

29% filled circle


improvement in physical health