Forte 2023 Annual Report

Explore Forte's 2023 Annual Report, a comprehensive overview of our commitment to enhancing employee mental wellness and well-being in the workplace and beyond.

This report offers a wealth of valuable insights and data from Forte users, providing a deeper understanding of the remarkable impact Forte saw in 2023. The report highlights Forte's impressive wellness improvement ratings and industry-shattering user engagement statistics that underscore our dedication to transforming the mental wellness landscape.

Additionally, we proudly shine a spotlight on the exciting new products and initiatives we introduced in 2023, including Forte University and the innovative SoulCare® Pulse Assessment. These additions represent our ongoing commitment to providing solutions that empower individuals and organizations to thrive.

To access the full report and gain deeper insights into our journey, vision, and the remarkable strides we've made in employee mental wellness, please download it below.

Forte 2023 Annual Report

Download the full report to gain deeper insights into Forte's journey, vision, and the remarkable strides made in employee mental wellness.  

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